The Odense Zoo in central Denmark says a healthy young female lion was put down nine months ago because the zoo had too many felines. It said the animal, which has since been kept in a freezer, will be dissected Thursday to coincide with the schools' fall break. Zookeeper Michael Wallberg Soerensen said the Odense Zoo, 170 kilometers (105 miles) west of Copenhagen, has performed public dissections for 20 years. He says they are "not for entertainment" but are educational. Educational? You are educating in the fact that KILLING a healthy animal is OK!!! That lion is dead ONLY because she was born/bread/lived in captivity!!! That is HER ONLY SIN, the ONLY REAL REASON why that animal is dead in the first place. After that you can do whatever you want with the corpse, the ISSUE here is that YOU KILLED HER, only because she was a CAPTIVE. The only reason why that living, sentient being is dead was because YOU kept her there, because she could not survive in the wild since she was born in captivity, because you meant to keep her there for ECONOMICAL GAIN. This is NOT educational. This is educating people into thinking that it is OK to keep animals caged, to kill them when it is most convenient to YOU and on top of it to perform a necropsy with the excuse that it is "educational". NO. NEVER. You are educating people in the idea that it is OK to kill and dissect a healthy young animal just for MONEY. While in another part of the world, lion's number are dramatically declining. PAY FOR HER RE-INTRODUCTION IN THE WILD. That will be educational. But of course... it will only mean expenses and no income. This is the link to the FB page of the Odense Zoo, in case somebody would like to leave a comment, or just copy-paste this post, since I'm sure my comment will disappear in a very short time. Laura
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June 2018